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The Scout Law

  1. A Scout’s honour is to be trusted.

  2. A Scout is loyal to The Queen, His Country, His Scouters, His Parents, His Employers & to those under Him.

  3. A Scout’s duty is to be useful and help others.

  4. A Scout is a friend to all, and a brother to every other Scout; no matter to what Country, Class or Creed the other may belong.

  5. A Scout is courteous.

  6. A Scout is a friend to animals.

  7. A Scout obeys orders of his parents, Patrol Leader, or Scout Master without question.

  8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.

  9. A Scout is thrifty.

  10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.

The Scout Promise

On my honour,

I promise to do my best.

To do my duty to God and the Queen,

To help other people at all times

And obey the Scout Law.




© 2016 by FirstMids.

Proudly created






Meet at 6:45 pm every Friday

during term time:


All Saints Centre, Vicarage Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham

© Copyright 1st Mids
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