Weekly Subscriptions
Weekly subscription fee : £4.50.
If you would like to take the option of prepayment, the cost is as follows:
(Number of Weeks x £4)
Half termly Subscription
for Spring 2020 (February-April)
£24 (6 weeks x £4)
Please note: There will be no facility for returned payments for absence or for those who leave the Group.
Option currently unavailable
Our training programmes do require regular attendance in order for real progress to be made. It is difficult for these programmes to be put in place for members who miss weeks without letting us know.
The Group operates a ‘5 week absence’ rule. After this length of time without contact, membership will be withdrawn.
If there is a particular reason why
your child is absent, please do let us know so that their membership may be held open.
Parent Helper Rota
Could you help?
We will have our activity and training planning available at the register desk. Hopefully, there is a slot that you feel you can help with. Although our leaders are very talented and experienced people, their skills may not encompass all that are required to support our children in achieving their potential.
Please, do sign up.
Any help is much appreciated.