AGE: 6 to 8 years
All Beavers have opportunities to work and play co-operatively. We aim to provide an environment in which they can develop friendships and build confidence.
Once invested (having made their promise) they will follow training which leads to the presentation of badges. There are 4 badges to work for, with an additional “Dam Builder” badge which rewards effort and commitment. A general overview includes basic skills; home, road and water safety; simple first aid and location skills. The programme uses lots of fun and games, so Beavers have access to many art and craft activities.
The Beavers also work and play with the Cubs and Scouts when appropriate.
MEETING TIME: 6.45 until 8.30
UNIFORM: Grey and red neckerchief
Green crew-neck jumper/ sweatshirt
Green cap with yellow trim
Grey shorts / trousers/ skirt (like school uniforms)
Grey socks
(pale blue Group T-shirt for warmer weather)
AGE: 8 to 11 years
All Cubs follow a training programme which has greater depth than the basics learned by Beavers. This leads to the awarding of 1st and 2nd stars and the “Leaping Wolf” for achievement and perseverance.
In addition to this programme Cubs have opportunities to pursue badges for their own interests, such as swimming, collecting and sports.
Cubs have camps which involve sleeping under canvas and also indoors. These events offer access to outdoor activities which are not available at ordinary meetings, all in preparation for scouting. Cubs will be able to cook and learn camping skills.
The Friday night meetings provide many craft activities, as well as a wide range of team games, supporting the development of skills.
MEETING TIME: 6.45 until 8.30
UNIFORM: Grey and red neckerchief
Green crew-neck jumper/ sweatshirt
Green cap with yellow trim
Grey shorts / trousers/ skirt (like school uniforms)
Grey socks
(green Group T-shirt for warmer weather)

AGE: 11 to 15 years
All Scouts receive training in skills to enable them to gain 2nd Class and 1st Class awards. There will also be time for them to improve their own abilities and interests through a large range of proficiency badges.
We encourage scouts to follow higher level training with other organisations. The accent is placed upon outdoor and adventurous activities; with support for a growing independence. Scouting cannot be just for Friday nights!
Scouts are expected to contribute to the organisation of the group and charitable work features regularly.
MEETING TIME: 6.45 until 10.00
UNIFORM: Grey and red neckerchief
Khaki bush shirt
Green beret
Black trousers / skirt Scout & belt
(yellow Group T-shirt for warmer weather)
AGE: 15 to 18 years
UNIFORM: As for Scouts except: Maroon beret
(maroon Group T-shirt for warmer weather)

AGE: 18+ years
Scouting is not just for Friday nights nor does it simply stop once you hit 18!
For those members who enjoy Scouting activities whilst also appreciating the social aspects these bring, we offer continued membership as part of the Rover Crew.
Most of the Crew are also part of our leadership team but it is not a condition of membership. If you can only meet up for an occasional overnight camp or simply for an evening of reminiscing, join our crew!
MEETING TIME: As people are available!
UNIFORM: Grey and red neckerchief
Khaki bush shirt
Green beret
Black trousers / skirt
optional Scout belt
(Group T-shirt for warmer weather)